Hawaiʻi Museums Association hosts a variety of hui (or groups) to facilitate connections between professionals in our field. Whether you seek professional or social resources, there is a hui for your needs.
- Museum Mamas
This monthly social group aims to connect, explore our communityʻs art and culture programs as well as allow our keiki to play together. Come meet your fellow museum mamas! - Education
This group meets monthly to discuss opportunities and challenges in the education sector of museum work.
- Museum Mamas
- Cultural Resource Management
This online group exchanges information around challenges and opportunities in cultural resource management. Group discussions are hosted via a private Facebook group. Please request to join the group at [email protected]
- Cultural Resource Management
- Pau Hana Meetups
This informal social group comes together over libations to connect. We hope to see you there!
- Pau Hana Meetups
Interested in creating or joining a hui? Let us know by emailing [email protected]
- Past
Kona Historical Society- Conference Programs
- 2019 Surrounded by Science, April Bishop Museum
Conference Packet
- 2019 Surrounded by Science, April Bishop Museum
- Conference Programs
- Seeding Authority Talk Story – partnership with Museum Studies
- Download PDF
- Past
- Future
Recollect – Recollect is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) cloud-based platform hosted on AWS that allows cultural heritage organizations to manage and make accessible their digital collections online.
- Future