On May 3, 1968, 21 representatives from various Hawaiʻi museums and related institutions met at the Queen Emma Summer Palace “to discuss the organization of an association of museums in Hawaii to create a regular means of exchanging information and ideas; encouraging interest in and promoting information about museum activities; providing mutual help through direct assistance, meetings, publications, and other means; stimulating research within the museum field, and generally maintaining professional and institutional standards for Hawaiiʻs museums as important educational and cultural community centers.” It was at this meeting that the Hawaii Museums Association (HMA) was born and the above quote would later be incorporated into HMA’s Charter of Incorporation signed on January 12, 1978.
A representative of the Hawaiian Mission Children’s Society who was also present at this founding meeting expressed the need of also establishing a regular newsletter as a means of getting information out to its membership and Nūhou (News) was the name given to this membership newsletter.
We, your HMA board of 2021, are excited to be able to share through a digitization project started this year, earlier editions of Nūhou dating back to as early as 1975. HMA is grateful to Linda Sueyoshi, Head of the Hawaii and Pacific Section at the Hawaiʻi State Library for granting us permission to loan this collection and Genie Alvarado, Serials Librarian, who helped facilitate the loaning process. Also, HMA is grateful to the Executive Team at the Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives for allowing us to carry out the actual digitization of the newsletters using their scanning facility.
Enjoy stepping back in time and reading how HMA and our Hawaiʻi museums were developing throughout the years. Please send us any questions or comments at [email protected].
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1983, Winter-Spring, Vol. IV, No. 4
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1985, Spring, Vol. 16, No. 4 & Supplement
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1986-87, Winter, Vol. 18, No. 3
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1987, Summer, Vol. 19, No. 1
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1987, Fall, Vol. 19, No. 2 & Supplement
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
20th Anniversary Conference Report (Supplement to #1)
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1988, Fall, Vol. 20, No. 2 + HMA Collections Committee – Special Report
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1989, Summer, Vol. 21, No. 1 + HMA Workshop / Seminar Proposals
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1989, Summer, Vol. 21, No. 1 + HMA Workshop / Seminar Proposals
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1995-96, Winter, Vol.28, No. 1
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1997/98, Winter, Vol. 30, No. 1
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1998, Fall, Vol. 30, No. 4
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
1998-99, Winter, Vol. 31, No. 1
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
2001/2002, Fall/Winter, Vol.33, No.2
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
2006-2007, Winter, Vol.38, No.4
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
2007-2008, Winter, Vol.38, No.4
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association
HMA Nūhou, News of the Hawaii Museums Association